The Future of Well-Being

How can Coca-Cola improve wellness?



Focus group: Surfers, a group that spends much time outside and is stereotypically "chill." We hoped to find out just why, and how, they were so relaxed.

Processes: Brainstorming, Mindmapping, Focus in: What's the real question?, Drawing parallels, Address stereotypes and preconceptions

Observations & Insights

1) The ocean is unpredictable with uncontrollable factors.

2) Despite these factors, there are some things that one does have control over: particularly ones breath.

From these nuggets, we were able to derive insights about the unique surfer mindset. 

Processes: Interviews, Mindmapping, Frames, Contradictions, 2x2s, Timelines & Era Analysis


Our central focus, based on surfers' needs, was to eliminate noise.

Processes: Need Ladders, How & Why, Need Hierarchy

Design Principles

We developed three actionable design principles from our central need and three more specific needs. 

Processes: "Bad Solutions," "should____by___," Develop possible solutions & work back, Create frameworks for principle groups

Solutions & Presentation

The final step was moving from principles to solutions. We worked on solutions by both refining previous ideas & identifying how our design principles could be applied to the current Coca-Cola product sphere. 

We worked forwards and backwards through the design process, constantly reevaluating and refining our ideas to ensure continuity with discoveries and developments.