Kitty Caps - Mechatronics

From left to right: Autumn Turpin, Sarah Cabreros, Roshena Macpherson

From left to right: Autumn Turpin, Sarah Cabreros, Roshena Macpherson

Kitty Caps

Ballistic Bots

Back again with 3/4 members of our all-star team from Fall 2016, we worked to create a "T.R.E.B.U.C.H.E.T." - a TaRgeted Extremely Ballistic Universal containerized Heavy Engineering Truck. We created an autonomous bot that navigated around a playing field, attempting to shoot foam balls into infrared-target-guided buckets. 

My primary role was working on the mechanical design of the bot, which included design of the mechanical shooter, foam ball reload system, spacing and layout of the drive train, and mounting of the various motors among other details. I also worked to refine and construct the LRC and Hall Effect Sensor circuits. 

For more details about our project, please visit our site.